Re-Dedicate 4-Week Wellness Series - 2nd Series

Re-Dedicate 4-Week Wellness Series - 2nd Series

Join this 4-week series to re-Dedicate yourself to your Self!
Recorded classes posted from January 30th-Feburary 27th

This series is a great way to stick to a regular practice. Each class is 15 minutes or can do that! And, you will learn all different aspects of the yoga practice - the postures being but one. A class is posted every day before 9am, with a diversity of classes:
Sunday - Meditation
Monday - Get Back to the Mat
Tuesday - Invigorating
Wednesday - Foundations
Thursday - Mindful Practice
Friday - Journaling

I hope you'll join in, or continue with the practice that you started with the January Series. See you on the mat. :-)

Re-Dedicate 4-Week Wellness Series - 2nd Series