February, 2022

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  • Karma Yoga

    Karma Yoga is "taking selfless action without the desire for the benefits of the fruits (of the action)". Also, it's taking action within your "occupation"...basically, with what you have at hand. What we have at hand is this yoga practice, so today we will be offering the practice to someone e...

  • Memories of Love

    Sometimes Love can feel a bit elusive, and too big to grasp. The thing is, love can be connected through via different derivatives, different avenues, than are accessible. One of those is memory - the act of remembering an experience where you were full of Love. We'll do that today. :-)

  • Many Types of Love

    Feb 11, 2022 - In reading "Exquisite Love," it mentions all the types of love available. There is love of another person, but there is also love of animals, trees, places, things...there are many, many types of love.

    Today we celebrate all the love that is possible!

  • Appreciating the Breath

    Feb 10, 2022 - It's wonderful how one conscious breath can change your day, and even your life. Today we open up our bodies to full breathing.

  • Body Scan

    Feb. 9, 2022 - The Winter Olympics are on...yay! I love watching the Olympics, and this olympics particularly I have been thinking about the incredible body awareness athletes need...it's really amazing. From the ice skaters knowing exactly where their hand is when doing some expressive movemen...

  • Vacation to This Moment

    Feb 7, 2022 - I have a lot going on right now, and my mind is going from thing to thing...so, it's great to find time to be present in the moment. Let's do that together. :-)

  • Teaching on Bhakti Should Be Reflected on

    Feb. 1, 2022 - "Teachings on Bhakti should be reflected on, practices that awaken it should be undertaken." - Sutra #76, Narada Bhakti Sutra

    This sutra is one of my favorites. Bhakti is devotional love, but I like to think of it as straight up love. So, according to this sutra, we should spend...